Member Benefits
The following services are included within your membership and are offered to all members at no additional charge.
Are you taking advantage of all or most of these programs?
Official Visitors Guide & Consumer Guides
You receive a free listing in the official Visitors Guide which is the primary fulfillment tool for the CVB and is available as a flipbook on the CVB’s website at Members are also listed, if appropriate for your business, in our other consumer guides (i.e. Shopping and Dining Guide, Service Guide, Destination Planning Guide), all produced by the Visit Hagerstown CVB. Members are offered discounted advertising opportunities as well.
Reciprocal Links
The CVB’s website network at provides travelers and meeting planners multiple ways to make the most of our member and partner services, including packages, savings offers, events, maps, links and contact information. To help build upon our success in growing business to Visit Hagerstown, please include a reciprocal link to in a prominent location on your web site (i.e. home page, link page, or community page.) We can provide you with our logo to use for the reciprocal link.
Social Media Engagement
As a CVB, we’re engaging daily with members, media, meeting planners and travelers on social media. Members can take part in that conversation and stay up-to-date on industry news, connect with visitors, and further their business’ social media reach by sharing good news about Hagerstown and Washington County. Like us on Facebook at Visit Hagerstown-Washington County Convention & Visitors Bureau and join our member's only page at Visit Hagerstown B2B.
Listing on
Members receive a complimentary listing on our high-profile web site. Plus, you receive a free link to your web site and the ability to enter your events.
You’re FIRST with US!
Our members are recommended FIRST to potential customers. Thousands of visitors, emails and telephone calls are received by the CVB staff every year requesting information and asking for suggestions. We recommend our CVB members to them first!
Amplify Your Story – Media Relations Support
Through our relationships with local, regional and national media, the CVB and our partners promote Hagerstown and Washington County as a destination of choice for leisure and convention travelers. Be a part of that story by providing the CVB with information on new openings, milestone anniversaries or unique story ideas related to your business.
Advertising Co-op Opportunities
From time-to-time the CVB buys volume-discounted space in regional and national publications. Members have the opportunity to purchase space in these publications at greatly discounted rates.
Guest Blogging Opportunities
The Visit Hagerstown CVB’s blog is full of helpful tips, trends and ideas for professional meeting and event planners. If you have a good story to share, consider submitting a guest blog.
e-Newsletter and Beyond!
This bi-monthly e-newsletter highlights CVB news, top initiatives, and tips for becoming more involved with your membership. Stay up-to-date on event RSVP information, advertising deadlines and other marketing opportunities with this member communication tool.
Collateral Distribution Opportunities
Display and distribute your brochures, rack cards and flyers at the Visitor Welcome Center on Potomac Street downtown Hagerstown, at Valley Mall by the management offices, I-70 West South Mountain Welcome Center; and we have a few other locations as well.
Restaurant Menu Books
Restaurant menu books are distributed to concierges and front desks at member hotels, shopping outlet and mall, Visitor Welcome Center downtown Hagerstown, and other destinations.
Discount & Coupon Program
CVB members can offer special deals that will be available online to visitors and placed in hospitality packets. Partners are strongly encourage to only submit discounts or offers that will be valid through December 31st, 2016 unless the offer is associated with a ticket event such as a festival or concert. Members can submit an offer any time and it will be immediately added into the program for the remainder of the calendar year. To add a discount or coupon offer please click here.
Lodging Packages
When planning a trip to the region Visitors can encompass a variety of activities! To help make planning easier we encourage members to collaborate to offer lodging packages at a great value. The CVB is happy to host member lodging packages on To submit a lodging package please click here.
Are you a cvb member looking to partner with a hotel and create a lodging package?
Contact our group sales department to get started how!
Group Sales Leads
Members receive FREE leads upon request that are generated through CVB staff’s attendance at convention and trade shows.
Partnership Opportunities through FAMs & Site Visits
The Visit Hagerstown CVB works closely with meeting planners and travel writers throughout the year through site inspections and familiarization tours. Promote your company by contributing attraction or event tickets, restaurant and retail certificates, or other giveaways.
Member Orientation
This gives a chance for the CVB staff to become more familiar with your business. Invite the CVB staff to experience your business firsthand so they can better share with visitors and meeting planners. We'll help orient you to the local hospitality industry and give you tips on how to reach out to meeting planners and your fellow CVB members.
Annual Meeting
This is a keynote event for all CVB members, with the goal of providing information and insight into the local meeting and convention industry. It includes an in-depth overview of key initiatives from the previous year, a plan for the coming year and beyond.
Sustaining Member Benefits
Receive the Benefits listed above, PLUS the following: (call for pricing)
Sustaining Members will receive enhanced listings in appropriate Convention & Visitors Bureau publications with members.
Logo Showcasing
Sustaining members will have their Logo displayed on visitor and partner e-newsletters.
Membership Labels
Labels of Convention & Visitor Bureau membership, upon request (once a year).
First to be Contacted
Sustaining members are the first to be contacted when an opportunity with limited advertising space becomes available.
Brochures on the Road
Brochures of Sustaining Members will be displayed at Convention and Trade Shows.
New benefits are always being developed!